Neue Mieter

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From day one, I wanted to create a platform where rental properties can be advertised with an acceptable agency commission. And of course to make it easier for guests to find the best houses with swimming pools in Istria and other Croatian destinations in one place.
Head office
Als Vermittler zwischen Touristen und Vermietern liegt mein Fokus auf der Aufrechterhaltung der Zufriedenheit beider Parteien durch effiziente Kommunikation. Bei uns stehen Vermieter und Touristen an erster Stelle.
Chief operations
I am happy to work in this compact team, we can dedicate ourselves to each house as much as possible. Communication in the team is great. It's nice to see all those beautiful villas that our landlords own.
Sales manager
We have been cooperating for 7 years, we are very satisfied with the progress. Every year we have more and more houses on offer. Our vision is to expand our operations on the entire Croatian coast, and the advertising market throughout Europe.

Piantade 41, 52440 Poreč
OIB: 59351144974